Retro Gaming Flux #4

Hello all Its me again....Now that E3 has come and gone I actually have some time to write some new material yay!?!...ahem...

Now its time to Unveil this weeks Retro Title...


Yup thats right...I decided to do this weeks Rerto on Dragon Warrior in honor of the soon to be released Dragon Warrior III on the Game Boy Color.

Anywhoo, DW I takes place in Alefgard and your shown in the heart of the kingdom. Here you will get info, weapons,tools, and when low on life a nice bed at the Inn. A very important note to make is when you want to save your progress in the game, you have to see the king of this castle. Your first mission is to explore Erdricks cave to help your character level up and you will find Erdricks tablet. And thus your journey begins. I was lucky enough to relive this masterpiece in some what of a good way(see my DW I & II review). When I played that it totally took me back to the time when the only system around was the NES and Ninja Turtles were popular. When I decided to do DW I as my topic I decided to get out the ole NES and take it for a test spin. So I fired this baby up once again and went to town on it. Its funny because I remember beat it my first time back in'90 and it took me forever to finish it (I was only about 8 when I beat it BTW). But as I played my way through the game this time around, I clocked in at about 10 hours. Not too shabby for all that character building. In the current world of 6o hours long, easy on the eyes, deep plots with lots of different characters, and all the job classes, I had a warm feeling in my body when I played this masterpiece again. If I were rating this back in the day and try to refer this to other titles of its time, i'd give it a 9 outta 10. I strongly fell that this game has withstood the gravity of time and would carry just as well today as if were just released onj the GBC or GBA. So I say to all reading this, if you haven't played this game in some form or another, FIND A WAY TO PLAY IT!


 Released in September 1989

Publisher/Developer: Enix

Genre: RPG

Notes: The very first RPG I have

ever beaten....This RPG broke

ground and slapped down the

cement road for all RPG's after....

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